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1435 North Oak Street
Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-2278

New Workshops 2025

UpComing Workshops

Discover an array of different fun workshops to dive into. Most require a minimum number of students - sign up early! If you would like to register and pay in a different way than using the buttons below, please email CAC:

Marbling Open Studio

Instructor: Kate Hawk

CANCELLED Wednesday March 26th, 2025

NEXT ONE: Tuesday May 27th 2025

Open Studio Marbling Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm | $30

plus Materials Fee: $10

Click HERE for more information or use registration button to learn more.

adult created, glazed and fired

youth created, glazed unfired

Clay: Pinch Pot Chicks & Hens

Instructors: Natalie Carpello & Anna Johansson

Sunday April 6th 2025, 11:00am - 1:00pm

Cost: $45 | $30 | $20

Spring hatches creativity! Join us and learn how to form these adorable chicks and hens using a pinch pot technique. Embellish with texture elements and underglazes to create a unique brood of ceramic chicks. This project suits a wide age range from 6 years old to adults. All materials and firing included. Please allow a couple of weeks for your piece(s) to be fired and ready for pick up.

Creative Play for Adults - Visual Arts

With Anna Johansson

1st of a series: Color and Form Wall Hanging or Mobile

Friday April 18th 2025, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Cost: $35

Activate space! Come explore Balance, Shape and Form to create a delightful kinetic wall hanging or mobile. Easy to use tools and materials and basic instruction is supplied.

Nothing Plain about Plein Aire / Watercolors

With Kathy Flamson

Saturday May 17th, 9:30am- 11:30am

Cost: $35 plus $25 for supplies which you get to keep. (Sweet bag with a tin filled with all you need for plein aire using w/c)

Local artist Kathy Flamson invites you to view and paint off her back porch in Calistoga! Enjoy a sumptuous view of the upper Napa Valley to inspire your creativity in painting a plein aire setting using water color.  Kathy has designed and put together sweet repurposed tins with all you need to produce a water color. She will discuss a bit of color theory, along with tips, tricks and give resources while you paint. 

You will leave with the basics to take your watercolor passion on the road.

Experience level - some watercolor experience and beyond. 

Limited spots available - sign up early!