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book binding

Introduction to Bookbinding: 2 session Class

Six Books Under Cover/s

Instructor: Derek Bacchus

Dates: Thursday March 13th & Tuesday March 18th

Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Fee: $140 – all materials (and use of tools) included

If you’ve been wanting to explore the craft of bookbinding in an approachable way that helps orient you to all the core fundamentals, plus make six books…this is the course for you. Learn (my) sixteen essential tools, and techniques for understanding paper selection and grain, precision cutting, proper scoring, crisp and soft folding, deckling, sewing needles and threads, and acid-free archival adhesives — while making a selection of Western and Eastern book structures.

Lots of beautifully designed and thorough take-home handouts (I’m actually a designer and art director by training) to keep you moving forward, and to help you remember!

The six structures: One-Page Origami Books, the Pamphlet Stitch Book, the Accordion Book and the Japanese Yotsume Toji Book — with some variations included.

All tools and materials are provided for this workshop.

Just show up, and be quietly transformed…into a bookbinder.

. . .

Derek Bacchus has been a publishing consultant, creative director, designer, photographer, educator, letterpress printer, and bookbinder. He was a magazine art director for a number of titles, a book publishing design director, and a publisher and chief product officer at a children’s edtech startup.

He has taught for over twenty years, including design history at Parsons School of Design and The Cooper Union (New York); 2-D Design, and Information Design at Cooper Union; and bookbinding at the Pont Aven School of Contemporary Art in Brittany, France. He has design degrees from Parsons School of Design, and Yale University, where he also studied Greek, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance history.

from left to right, samples of: accordion – single signature sewing – one page books – stab sewn