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Amazing Alebrijes

Summer Camp Alebrije project 2022

Amazing Alebrijes

Create your own using Paper Mache

with Anna Johansson

Two Fridays: October 25th & Nov 1st, 5:30pm - 8:00pm * (please contact me if you are interested but these dates/times don’t work)

Cost - $30 | $20 for youth

Pedro Linare alebrije

Pedro Linare alebrije

In this workshop you will design and create a keepsake one-of-a-kind personal 3-D Alebrije.

Using your one-of-a-kind mind and body, you will learn how to tap into your creativity and use simple or reclaimed everyday materials to create your own unique ‘spirit creature’.

Day one -

Discuss the history and what an Alebrije is;

  • Brain storm qualities and characteristics your want your fantastical creature to have.

  • Sketch the creature out and plan the 3-d design

  • Build an armature to support

  • Paper mache the forms

Day 2 (& possibly Day 3)

  • Finish adding 3-D details

  • Paint and decorate

  • Naming ceremony

FALL Alebrije workshop 2021

Pedro Linares ‘father of the Alebrije’  (1906-1992)

Pedro Linares ‘father of the Alebrije’ (1906-1992)


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