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1435 North Oak Street
Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-2278

paper marbling

Marbling Open Studio

Join in on our once a month marbling open studio session.


CANCELLED: Wednesday March 26th

Tuesday May 27th

These sessions are meant to enable participants to create marbled papers. If you have taken marbling before or have experience you will know what a delight it is to be able to walk in and have the materials all ready and waiting for you to practice, experiment with, or complete a project. Materials are provided and basic guidance can be given.

If you are new to marbling, let us know and Kate can give a demo at the beginning of class covering the basics. Email:

Please note that workshop size is limited to 8 people and you may on occasion experience a wait for a marbled tray.

Alum solution and blow dryers will be available for participants wanting to work with individual or special papers brought to the session.

Open Studio Marbling Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm | $30

Materials fee | $10

FYI: Next session is scheduled for May Tuesday 27th

Ways to register and pay; Call: 707 942 2278 or Email: to reserve your spot and pay with cash, check or CC when you arrive OR click on orange registration button below.

Intro to Paper Marbling

Instructor: Kate Hawk

Next date: TBA

Maximum 5 people

Price $65 (includes all materials)

Join us to learn about the ‘magic’ of paper marbling’.

In the first part of the workshop we will discuss marbling paints, set-up, materials, and tools. Examples will be shown on how to properly prepare the marbling bath, use marbling combs, and mix paints. Explanation of the alum process on paper will also be discussed and demonstrated.

In the second half the workshop, students will practice using marbling combs to marble individual papers. Everyone will leave with at least 4-6 of their own pieces.